Fastest Growing Jobs

In an unpredictable job market, finding the right role can be a struggle. Today, there are 1.7 openings for every job candidate.  With so many opportunities out there, job seekers should consider how each role will enhance their skill sets, making them more marketable.  In particular, those most in demand today have a multitude of…

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Rethinking the Meaning of Freedom 

As fireworks light up the night sky, the Fourth of July beckons us to celebrate the concept of liberty. It’s a time to reflect on the ideals of freedom that our nation was built on and to consider how we can truly embody the essence of liberty in our modern society. In the pursuit of…

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Our Commitment to Diversity and Belonging 

At nextSource, we take immense pride in promoting inclusivity, diversity, and a sense of belonging for all. We embrace the spirit of Pride and celebrate the richness of our diverse workforce. In this blog, we want to reinforce our unwavering commitment to foster a welcoming environment that embraces everyone’s unique identities. Join us as we…

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Demand for Tech Professionals

If you haven’t heard there is a high need for people in tech jobs right now. The world in which we live is quickly evolving and if there is one major factor for this, it is technology. Technology advances daily and companies are simply trying to keep up. It is so pervasive in terms of…

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Fastest Growing Occupations

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics some of the fastest growing occupations are as follows: Nurse Anesthetists, Nurse Midwives, and Nurse Practitioners Overall employment of nurse anesthetists, nurse midwives, and nurse practitioners is projected to grow 40 percent from 2021 to 2031, much faster than the average for all occupations. The 2021 Median…

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Electric Monitoring Law in New York

According to SB S2628, which took effect May 7, 2022,  every private-sector employer must provide notice of its electronic monitoring practices to all workers upon hiring.  Notice must be posted in a “conspicuous place.” According to a Holland & Knight article “the notice, in written or electronic form, must advise employees that any and…

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Knowing Your Role and Industry

When searching for a job that is right for you, there are a multitude of things you need to study before approaching your interview, especially when entering a new industry. For starters, research the job description to see if you really want the role. It could involve something that absolutely does not interest you. For…

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Questions to Ask During the Interview

Your resume did it! It got you the interview, you are dressed for success, and you are hitting it off with your interviewers. You have made them laugh a bit, gotten personal, and answered all your questions with confidence and professionalism…but then they ask you if you have any questions. Questions…for them? Other than when…

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