Gen Z in the Workplace

In the ever-changing landscape of the modern workplace, each generation brings its unique set of skills, values, and expectations. As we witness the gradual shift from the dominance of Millennials to the emergence of Generation Z (Gen Z), it’s crucial to understand how these cohorts shape and redefine the professional realm. Whether you’re a Baby…

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Is Now the Best Time for a Career Shift?

According to an article earlier this year, “the average person will switch careers 3-7 times over their working lives. 30% of the workforce will now change vocations or jobs every 12 months due to the ever-increasing variety of employment options.” This shows that the job market is ever-changing, providing new opportunities but also introducing…

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How Many Interviews?

When it comes to your interviews, how many should you genuinely need to go through before receiving an offer? This is a question that has multiple answers, but of course, time is money and initially, one might that filling a position as quickly as possible would be ideal. But that isn’t always the case.  Too…

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New Legislation Supports Workers’ Rights

The United States is the land of the free but for a free society to function effectively there must be guardrails that protect everyone’s rights.  Regulations are established by the Federal Government, state-by-state, and – in some cases – cover a particular metropolitan area. Laws that offer protections in one state might not do the…

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Fastest Growing Jobs

In an unpredictable job market, finding the right role can be a struggle. Today, there are 1.7 openings for every job candidate.  With so many opportunities out there, job seekers should consider how each role will enhance their skill sets, making them more marketable.  In particular, those most in demand today have a multitude of…

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Rethinking the Meaning of Freedom 

As fireworks light up the night sky, the Fourth of July beckons us to celebrate the concept of liberty. It’s a time to reflect on the ideals of freedom that our nation was built on and to consider how we can truly embody the essence of liberty in our modern society. In the pursuit of…

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Our Commitment to Diversity and Belonging 

At nextSource, we take immense pride in promoting inclusivity, diversity, and a sense of belonging for all. We embrace the spirit of Pride and celebrate the richness of our diverse workforce. In this blog, we want to reinforce our unwavering commitment to foster a welcoming environment that embraces everyone’s unique identities. Join us as we…

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Demand for Tech Professionals

If you haven’t heard there is a high need for people in tech jobs right now. The world in which we live is quickly evolving and if there is one major factor for this, it is technology. Technology advances daily and companies are simply trying to keep up. It is so pervasive in terms of…

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