Your Advanced Community-based Solution to Direct Sourcing – nextSourcing™
As we rightfully predicted, 2022 experienced and is still going through one of the most difficult talent markets in generations as a perfect storm of factors upset the balance of labor markets leading to skyrocketing turnover rates, unprecedented staffing shortages, and numerous trickle-down effects that come as a result.
In this unparalleled environment, where innovation is no longer a luxury but a necessity, we created an advanced community-based solution to direct sourcing – nextSourcingTM – that works to augment, not replace, your current staffing solution.
No matter what industry you’re in, your organization is likely facing the same critical challenge as so many others are – filling jobs and filling them quickly. And wouldn’t it be so much better if you could reach for talent from a community that is not only branded to your organization, but one that is consistently nurtured by nextSource, so the candidates stay engaged? That’s what nextSourcing does on your behalf.
How Is nextSourcing Different?
With nextSourcing both the company and the community members realize benefits as we work to keep engagement consistent.
For companies, we leverage your brand as a point of attraction to create a private, tailored talent community that’s inextricably linked to your brand. Resources needed are defined by skill set, location, and strategic business initiatives such as diversity and inclusion goals.
For members, we build strong connections resulting in increased loyalty. Once the community is established, we nurture and communicate with members throughout the entire recruiting process – when joining, while on assignment, and post-assignment. Branded messages for open positions, market insights, and career development tools keep engagement active. Members are also encouraged to nominate friends and colleagues to increase the Community – and they may earn referral fees while doing so.
Expanded Access to Diverse Talent
nextSourcing can expand your access to potential talent while delivering significant savings. Your talent community will initially be seeded with individuals already known to your organization such as interns, retirees, alumni, former contingent workers, silver medalist candidates, and employee referrals. Then we begin to expand your community through our affiliations with professional associations, community groups, our clients, and our partners. We specialize in helping clients find diverse candidates and connecting with passive candidates who may have experienced a break in service, particularly due to the pandemic.
Faster Time to Fill to Get Top Talent
When you find yourself drawing from a community of individuals whose credentials have already been verified, you can quickly fill positions or redeploy professionals who have already worked with you and are familiar with your particular work environment and business processes. Simply submit requests for candidates through your current process and nextSource will search the talent community for candidates that fit your requirements. This fast turnaround is instrumental in identifying candidates faster and offering them the position so you’re not losing top talent to competitors.
Greater Return on Investment Leads to Cost Savings
You’ll realize greater return on investment when we can quickly find talented individuals who are right for your company within your own talent community. Additionally, we’re ensuring that you’re paying market-based rates through the community that is directly tied to your organization. The nextSourcing community builds long-term candidate pipelines which are key to filling high-demand roles in a skill-restricted labor market, delivering needed skills, helping reach passive candidates, and enabling diversity initiatives. Perhaps most important, we are focusing on putting the “human” factor back in human resources.
Who Is this a Good Fit For?
We work with clients to design custom talent pools based on all the specific talent communities relevant to your operation. We can create several types of communities. For example, we can define a community by skill set such as IT, biomedical science, legal, or any other skill set you require. We may design other communities by their relationship to your organization such as former employees/interns, retirees, silver medalists, and so on.
If you need to fill numerous similar positions such as high-volume, high-turnover repetitive-usage needs including call centers, distribution centers, data processing centers, administrative support, help desks, medical coding, and medical billing centers, then nextSourcing may be the answer you’re looking for.
Additionally, seasonal or recurring peak business needs are also a good fit. Think about licensed sales agents for open enrollment, tax accountants during tax prep season, and marketing professionals for a product launch.
We also support customized solutions such as those needed for mass enrollment of interns or a DEI initiative to connect with diversity candidates.
At its core, nextSourcing works by providing clients with curated communities of talent you can draw upon when the need arises, when traditional avenues of talent sources are slow or unable to deliver.
What nextSourcing is NOT
nextSourcing is a tool for specific business needs noted above. However, it is not a solution that will immediately start serving your business needs. It’s an organized approach and we need to fill the community first. And, it’s not meant to serve as a replacement for your Suppliers; the nextSourcing solution is intended to enhance and augment an existing talent acquisition ecosystem.
How Does it All Come Together?
Once the candidate in the talent community is selected and placed on assignment, nextSource ensures the worker’s continued satisfaction with the placement and willingness to be engaged again in future opportunities. nextSource serves as the Employer of Record or Agent of Record for an easy transition. Then we continually communicate to workers during and after the assignment.
To increase your visibility into the program, our solution includes deep analytics and reporting as well as Artificial Intelligence (AI)-overlaid Contingent Workforce Management processes to assist with talent-matching and workforce planning.
Challenges like those we face today create opportunities for innovative solutions to finding talent and nextSourcing is one of many solutions we have created to meet those challenges head-on.
For more information on nextSourcing, contact us.