How a Talent Community Can Help Make DEIB Goals a Reality

A multicultural workforce offering a diversity of backgrounds leads to a multitude of ideas and perspectives, which results in innovative thinking and doing. Additionally, an inclusive workforce with equitable opportunities encourages worker retention and generates a positive employer brand for your business as well.
How do the Diversity Stats Stack Up?
Diversity within the workforce is a must in today’s world. Many are talking the talk, but are they walking the walk? Let’s see.
In July of 2022 an HRDIVE article stated that all Fortune 100 companies had made a public commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. That’s wonderful, but what are the true statistics around these DEI initiatives?
According to, 76% of companies have no quantifiable diversity or inclusion goals; 75% of companies do not have DE&I included in the company’s leadership development or overall learning and development curricula; 40% of companies view diversity work as a way to mitigate legal, compliance or reputational risks, within an HR enforcer role; 32% of companies require some form of DE&I training for employees; and 34% offer training to managers.
Those types of stats speak volumes. In today’s world, it’s not exceptional to merely give lip service to the important DEI initiative, but because according to an research report only 31% of organizations rank their organization’s DEI initiatives as “very successful,” it is exceptional to have a flourishing program.
Diversity is Equally Important When Building an Extended Workforce
A diverse workforce is important, but why is diversity so important when you are looking to fill temporary positions?
Temporary workers are a major force in the U.S. economy – studies indicate that 40% of the US workforce is comprised of individuals engaged in some form of temporary work (contract, independent contractors, gig workers, project-based employees). Non-employee growth makes it important to match the level of organizational commitment to the well-being of contingent workers with that of their full-time counterparts.
The demand for contingent workers has shifted from non-core functions to highly skilled professionals who often work in tandem with their full-time counterparts. Hiring temporary labor when a specialized skill is needed provides access to the latest skills, avoiding unnecessary additions to your payroll when the skill is needed for a single project or for a limited period. However, this only reaps benefits when the contingent worker is accepted as an equal member of the team.
A Talent Community Purpose-Built for a Diverse and Inclusive Culture
nextSource leverages your brand as a point of attraction to create a private, tailored talent community — not just another talent pool — that’s inextricably linked to your brand. Needed resources are defined by skill set, location, and strategic business initiatives such as diversity and inclusion goals.
As we mentioned in one of our previous blogs, what makes this a true community is the nurturing of community members. Through consistent outreach, practicing two-way communication, providing relevant content, and creating a dynamic community segmented to fill the needs of both the candidate and the employer, nextSource helps you as well as your candidates succeed.
Branded messages for open positions, market insights, and career development tools keep engagement active. Members are also encouraged to nominate friends and colleagues to increase the community – and they may earn referral fees while doing so. nextSource then serves as the Employer of Record or Agent of Record during the assignment period for an easy transition.
So why work with nextSource to accomplish your DEI business goals? There are several outstanding reasons, but here are some important points that make us stand out:
We source candidates not found through traditional means
Through partnerships with professional associations, we reach out to individuals beyond the reach of traditional staffing agencies. We find creative ways to reach individuals re-entering the workforce or looking to apply their skills to a new field. And we leverage our partnerships to encourage talent community membership, then offer extensive networking opportunities that help community members advance in their careers.
You will be working with a certified Women-Owned Business Enterprise
Our partners achieve tier one diversity spending and gain a partner dedicated to diversity and inclusion. This means that you can capture diversity credits while working with an organization committed to building programs with diverse talent, thereby allowing your organization to have multiple points of positive impact. While many other programs focus on diversity from a spend perspective, nextSource is focused on talent and skills.
Your Community Workforce Development Program Will Grow
We assign a community liaison to partner with representatives from community/civic organizations, business groups, churches, technology centers, educational institutions, cultural centers, local media, government agencies as well as your organization to recruit and place workers from economically challenged neighborhoods.
We’re here to help you reach your DEI goals through our direct sourcing approach. Check it out to learn more about how we can help you get the talent you need today.