Update on 2021 Minimum Wage and Other Labor Law Changes

As always, the nextSource Blog provides timely updates on impending changes to laws across the US that may impact on the operations of contingent workforce management activities.  As the end of 2020 draws near, multiple states are preparing to raise minimum wage requirements for workers. Others have new laws passed governing sick leave and other fair employment issues. Here are the high-level details you need to be aware of regarding new minimum wage and other associated requirements.

Twenty-six states have new laws going into effect in 2021 governing their minimum wage requirements.  New state laws, annual inflation adjustments and ballot initiatives have been passed and take effect as of January 1, 2021.  Additionally, more than 35 states also have mandatory poster changes in effect. Organizations must display the most recent mandatory changes to their employees, or they could potentially be subject to penalties, fines or legal action.

New Mandatory Labor Law Updates by State:

  • Arizona: Minimum Wage
  • California: Covid-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave
  • Florida: Minimum Wage
  • Hawaii: Fair Employment
  • Illinois: Victims’ Economic Security and Safety Act (VESSA)
  • Maine: Minimum Wage
  • Maryland: Minimum Wage
  • Minnesota: Minimum Wage
  • Montana: Minimum Wage
  • Ohio: Minimum Wage
  • Rhode Island: Minimum Wage
  • South Carolina: Fair Employment
  • South Dakota: Minimum Wage
  • Texas: Unemployment
  • Vermont: Minimum Wage
  • Virginia: OSHA

nextSource resources are available to help clients understand how these new labor laws might impact their operations. Contact us today for assistance in ensuring compliance with all new legislation within your contingent workforce management programs.  Also, for the latest mandatory labor law posters, visit the compliance experts at Resourceful Compliance to place your order for signage as appropriate. 

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