A Digest of Resources for Contingent Workforce Management in the Age of CornonaVirus


One of the most challenging aspects of contingent workforce management has always been ensuring compliance with all manner of regulatory requirements governing contractors deployed across a diverse network of geographies. Whether across multiple states domestically or an array of nations globally, it is imperative that contingent workforce management maintain clear awareness of laws and regulations in each area where they may have contingent workers engaged. Adding to this day-to-day challenge is a patchwork of emergency rules, edicts and mandates put hastily into place to address the impact of the novel Coronavirus pandemic. To help harried contingent workforce management professionals stay abreast of these evolving changes, we’re publishing the following list of resources.

The Staffing Industry Analysts offers this exhaustive compendium of links to relevant resources delivering critical, location-specific information on COVID-19. It is a great repository of information and worth the time to review if you’re responsible for the contingent workforce management function within your organization. We’ve highlighted some of the most relevant links in the digest below and appended the list with other sources for up-to-date information on how to remain in compliance with emergency regulations impacting labor management.

Global Statistics and COVID-19 Information | Here are links to statistics from the US and abroad detailing infection rates and policy statements issued by numerous countries.

Tracking Statistics of COVID-19 in the Americas | Links to data from North American public health organizations.

Late Breaking State-Level Policies & Orders

Information on the CARES Act | Information on the emergency laws including the Stimulus package and new loan programs passed on March 27th by Congress and signed into law.

Information on the Families First Coronavirus Response Act signed into law March 18th

Information on Governmental Responses | Some details on emerging laws in European and Asian markets.

Select Corporate Policy Materials | Resources for organizations and their staffing partners to help pull together and codify procedures in response to COVID-19

Lastly, consider tapping your friendly nextSource consultant; another powerful resource for developing policies and procedures to address the pandemic impact on contingent workforce management.

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