Maximizing Your Talent Pools with International Workers

As the contingent workforce increases in the education sector, subsequently the variety of temporary professionals widens. This requires a different, more detailed workforce management strategy for maximum workforce optimization. Employing adjunct staff members is not only cost effective but it is an efficient way to best service the needs of the students by offering flexibility in offered courses. However, as in any program, with growth comes growing pains and different needs to optimally leverage the talent pools.

We have been finding trending challenges with pay rolling and vendor management specifically within educational institutions. Challenges such as increased numbers of underutilized grad students or the large expenses in university employee wages have been taken action against. With this action comes unexpected hang-ups that require further learnings of workforce management teams. Some particularly common needs that have been discovered at institutions like Columbia University are the ability to compensate international candidates. In an effort to fully utilize the international students and for them to further benefit from the US experience, they are increasingly seeking temporary employment during their time stateside.

This being said, there is a lack of knowledge on employing foreign trained or international professionals in these hiring departments due to the range of intricacies and required credentials to compensate individuals with different types of visas, especially those not provided by the employer, such as student visas. Moreover, there is very little consistency in policies among candidates from different countries for doing so. This lack of knowledge has deterred some institutions from leveraging these readily available talent pools as they wish. Others have been able to successfully integrate these individuals into their workforce by working with vendor management and pay rolling services that have become experts on different types of visas and what is required to compensate international talent. This helps navigate through acquiring and submitting the proper documentation to both the home country and the US and to fulfill the varying, unique onboarding processes.

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